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The dying light wanes…dry, sere leaves skitter in a chilly wind at your feet as you walk amidst skeletal trees of November. Befitting this penultimate month of the year, Dreamchild offers you “My November Guest” —  a dark musical setting of the poignant poem of sorrow by Robert Frost.

Dreamchild "Demimondaine" Imagery of Marthe de Florian - admired again, after 70 years in her Parisian time capsule...

In 2010, a Paris apartment was rediscovered after 70 years, still filled with extraordinary objects and oddities. Chief amongst them was a beautiful portrait of the apartment’s owner, demimondaine Marthe de Florian, by famed artist Giovanni Boldini. Dreamchild’s song is from the viewpoint of Marthe’s portrait, waiting amidst the darkness & dust to be admired again. 

Alluring, tempting and dangerous…the fairies invite the human child to join them and leave a mundane world that is “more full of weeping than he can understand”. Will a changeling be left in his place? Cheryl E. Siren and Frank of Dreamchild offer their hauntingly ethereal musical setting of Irish poet W.B.Yeats’ lyrical, plaintive Celtic Twilight poem for your listening pleasure. [Image by Cheryl E. Siren]

Dreamchild - "Guinnevere" - Image by Cheryl E. Siren

You become aware of the figure of a spectral lady, graceful and elegant, strolling in the a garden freshened by a recent rainstorm, or gazing pensively across oceans of time and space…yet, in her own time still, she cannot see you. It is Guinnevere…and this is Dreamchild’s delicately eerie & ethereal version of the haunting song composed by David Crosby…. [Image by Cheryl E. Siren]

For your listening pleasure...Dreamchild's ethereal & eerie version of the melancholy Tom Waits song, "Trampled Rose".

Photo © Cheryl Fair

Still Photo from "Glare" a new mini film in production

Photo © Cheryl Fair

Self-portrait with blue devils © Cheryl E. Siren

Père Lachaise © Cheryl E. Siren

Evil clown © Cheryl E. Siren